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Thank you for coming to my site. You are joining me 10 years into my fitness/coaching journey. In 2014, I earned my personal training credentials from ACE FITNESS. Since then I have logged well over 20,000+ personal training hours. I have trained at the YMCA where I have been the WELLNESS Director for the past 10 years. In 2019, I started e360fit. I began training clients in their homes on their time. I took all the equipment and executed fitness plans for clients transforming their living rooms into fitness studios and helping people achieve their goals. I train all sorts of clients. Women and Men in their early 30’s to their late 70’s.  I train Youth athletes trying to become bigger, faster and stronger and learn the fundamentals of training.

Through my 10+ years in this industry. I knew I had to do more.

About this time I realized I needed more. I needed to expand my education and help people on their Wellness Journeys far beyond just working out. I wanted to connect all the pieces, fitness, nutrition, metabolism and hormones to help people achieve optimal health.


​I knew I needed more education so I began investing in myself and in my business. By 2019 I already had so many certifications in fitness. You name it I have it. Spin, Kick Boxing, Kettle bell, Metabolic Effect, Silver Sneakers, Strength Training, HIIT, Body weight and Functional Training to name a few. It was time to learn the other side of Wellness. So I began. 


First Step: Fitness For all was born.

The first thing I did was create an on demand video library. I did this first as I saved every personal training dollar to begin my education. I wanted to create a place where people could log on and get good fitness videos at a fraction of the cost of a gym membership. I created the e360fit video library. This is my base subscription level. For less that 9 dollars a month a person has access to all of my videos and there are well over 300. I created a virtual library with quality sound to transform living rooms into fitness studios. Participants can access quality workouts on their time.


In 2019  I received my certification in Moderation 365. A way to end food obsession for good. This one hit home for me.


For years I was a chronic over exerciser and binge eater. Meaning. Monday-Friday I would kill myself with brutal, long workouts. Then follow that up with depriving myself of food. I never ate anything I liked and by the weekend my physiology was so deprived. I binged. I ate everything. I was out of control with pizza, fries, candy you name it. That binge was then followed by DAYS of guilt, shame and remorse. It was a vicious cycle. While working toward certification, I had to actually take the course and learn it from the ground up. Everything changed. I no longer live that way anymore and I want YOU to have what I have. Food Freedom and satisfaction every time I sit down to eat. Not to mention, I didn’t gain a pound. I still haven’t.


In 2020, I received my certification in the Female Metabolism and Female Hormones. This taught me it’s ok to not work out every day; it’s ok to not GO HARD every time I work out. This taught me the huge role STRESS plays on our systems. It taught me how to toggle protocols to keep the metabolism responsive. Most important, it taught me how important Rest and Relaxation are to the female metabolism. It taught me how our hormones play a role in fat loss as do calories. Also how it’s not one thing or another, there’s a lot of players when it comes to fat loss. Hormones, Stress, Calories, Sleep, Gut health and more! The list goes on and on. It is NOT just calories in calories out. We need to talk movement, metabolic, meals and mindfulness. Every single thing that makes you, YOU! 


These initial certifications helped me blaze the trail into 1 on one coaching. I still use them daily with clients. However, they made me realize I needed more. I had to do more. So I began saving all my cash and I took out a loan and I enrolled in METABOLISM SCHOOL.

The Jewel In my CROWN came by way of FNMS.

Metabolism School or FNMS (Functional Nutrition Metabolism Specialization) to date is the hardest thing I have ever done. I began my journey in January 2023. I remember thinking I was so far out of my depth, I didn’t belong here. I felt like I would never get it, never understand these concepts. With time and a lot of hard work, I realized I belonged. I received my credentials from FNMS in May 2023. Since then I have enrolled in the Mastery Program. I still attend class weekly and keep current with the research and developments concerning all things functional health. I never have to turn a client away. You can come to me with the most complex cases and I can help you.


I have helped countless clients with thyroid issues, autoimmunity, low testosterone, menopause, gut issues, PCOS, metabolic disease and more. People have achieved optimal health and feel better than they have in years. When we tackle all the issues and end systemic inflammation and dysfunction, the client is in an optimal position to lose weight, gain muscle and hit all their transformation goals. I have established partnerships with industry leaders in supplementation and I am able to pass on discounts to my clients from industry giants such as THORNE and NUTRIDYN. To get you the gold standard in supplementation while keeping the cost low.

So I live here now and so can you.

Wellness is so much more than diet and exercise. It is everything working together like a symphony. I can help you. I am not like any other coach. I know my stuff and I can actually get you results this I promise.


For me personally, I am 51 years old. I am in the best shape of my life. I love who I see when I look in the mirror. I have made myself a priority. Now I exercise less than I ever have, walk more and my weight is the lowest it’s ever been!


I use the exact approach I took with all my 1 on 1 clients however, it is UNIQUE to them. My plan will never look like yours and vice versa, however you WILL achieve results that my guarantee.

If 1 on 1 coaching isn’t for you...

I have plenty of DIY plans on my site. You can focus on fitness your way on your time. GO check them out. They range from beginner to Advanced and everything in between. Look around see what works for you. Send me an email or fill out the Google form and let’s chat! Thanks for stopping by!

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