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Hi I am Elisa Allen creator of e360 fit. I am working mom with a very busy 10 year old little girl. It is hard to find time for myself and my needs. I figured there were more women like me out there, running from job, to practice to home all day long, so e360fit was born. My goal is to help you carve out some time for you. To help you achieve sustainable fat loss and to be happy in your body!


With my TRUTH method. Ladies this is your last stop for fitness and nutrition. The TRUTH Method is based all on you!


T: Teach principals of Moderation 365. You will never diet again. You will never binge or deprive ever again. End food obsession for good with tactical tools that are so simple you are going to think you are doing it wrong!


R: Restore gut function. Rehab your gut. Fix gut issues that cause bloating, irregular bowel movements, and that uncomfortable feeling we all live with day to day. While healing the gut you will learn ways to get in touch with your own biofeedback for optimal health.


U: Unique programming. No one is like you! How could you possibly follow a cookie cutter plan? You can’t! We will work together to find you the best plan. To be honest, a lot of women are so stressed and their metabolisms so compromised a lot of times, fitness is the LAST thing we add in bc we need to distress the metabolism. We have to learn how to eat in a way that actually makes us feel satisfied and honors personal preference so you can have lasting fat loss.


T: Toggle protocols. You know how that one diet you did 10 years ago worked so well. However, now you try it and the results aren’t as amazing? Yeah, we do things too long. We need to toggle protocols so the metabolism doesn’t compensate.


H: HEC must be in check! Hunger below 5, Energy above 6 and Cravings below 5. HEC must be in check so we don’t push on the metabolism and cause a stress. Together we will get HEC and SHMEC (sleep, hunger, mood, energy, cravings) in check! Then you hit your goals and we help the whole SELF. 360! E360 to be exact!


e360 Fit offers a host of personal and group training options in both virtual and in-person options. Check out the list of classes and options we have available below.



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Montoursville, PA

Tel: 570-506-3277

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